RTS series - transformer speed controllers
RTS Transformer speed controllers
ATT series - auto transformer
ATT Auto transformers
ATS series - auto transformer

ATS series - auto transformer

ATS Series - Overview


Transformers for switch cabinet installation with compact design. Auto-transformers (open model according to EN61558) are provided with finger proof (IP20) connecting clamps, fastening clips and 5 branches. Transformers based voltage controller.

They can be used, in V-connection, with voltage controllable motors (230 Vac, 50/60 Hz) for adjusting the rotational speed (fans, pumps, etc.). When choosing a transformer, it is important to know the maximum current intensity consumption. The given intensity can be taken from every tapping.

Compliant with CE requirements

Technical specifications

Voltage supply: 230 Vac - 50/60 Hz
Output voltage: 0-80-105-130-160-230V
Load: From 1,5 up to 11 A
Temperature: Max. ambient temperature 35˚C
Montage and connections: Surface / Terminal block (mounting brackets)