RE series - transformer speed controllers
RE Transformer speed controllers
RT series - transformer speed controllers
RT Transformer speed controllers
RES series - transformer speed controllers

RES series - transformer speed controllers

RES Series - Overview


Single phase transformer speed controllers are based on principle of voltage control with auto-transformers. They are applicable to voltage controllable motors (230 V, 50/60 Hz) for adjusting rotational speed (i.e. fans, pumps, etc.) thereby reducing the air flow and noise of the fan.

Several fans can be connected to controllers considering only that the total current of all motors should not exceed the nominal current of the controller. Motor protection, by connecting thermal /overheating/ contacts of the motor.

Compliant with CE requirements

Technical specifications

Voltage supply: 230Vac 50/60Hz
Control signal: 5 step switch (On/Off and 5 steps positions)
Output voltage: 0-85-105-130-160-230V & unregulated 230V
Load: From 3,5 up to 11 A
Light: LED indicator
Protection: Current fuse
Temperature: Max. ambient temperature 35˚C
Enclosure: Plastic or sheet steel
Montage and connections: Surface / By terminals (comes with already mounted cable glands)